2018年4月24日 星期二

Sophos AutoUpdate Failed and to change Connection Address in iconn.cfg

Sophos On Platform WIN_81_SVR_X64 (Windows 2012 Standard R2)


C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\Config\iconn.cfg  -  This file contains the configuration of AutoUpdate in respect of the update locations and accounts used.

Looks like

; iconn.cfg
; Please do not edit this text file.

AllowLocalConfig = 0
AutoDialTimeout =
LocalPath =
DownloadGranularity =
ConnectionAddress = http://{ADDR}/sophos/CIDs/S000/SAVSCFXP/
UserName = xxx
UserPassword = xxx
ConnectionType = HTTP
UseSophos = 0
UseHttps = 0
UseDelta = 0
AutoDial = 0
BandwidthLimit = 0

AllowLocalConfig = 0
ProxyPortNumber = 0
ProxyType = 0

AllowLocalConfig = 0
AutoDialTimeout =
LocalPath =
DownloadGranularity =
ConnectionAddress = http://es-web.sophos.com/update/
UseSophos = 1
UseHttps = 0
UseDelta = 0
PortNumber =
UserName = xxx
UserPassword = xxx
ConnectionType = HTTP
AutoDial = 0
BandwidthLimit = 0

AllowLocalConfig = 0
ProxyPortNumber = 0
ProxyType = 0


